Monday, March 20, 2006

The Heart of the Matter

This is a bit of a political rant. Sorry if you've heard all this before, but the way things are going, it doesn't hurt to repeat them once in a while. Our country is being taken over by a fundamentalist movement that has been in the works for 30 years and silence will do this country no good.

A lot of people on the right want to post the Ten commandments in our schools and public buildings. What if they elected officials that didn't break the 10 commandments? I mean sure we all break the commandments now and again, but it is inexcusable for elected officials to do it regularly and unapologetically as a matter of public record. (Bush has been caught swearing on mic, working on the Sabbath, killing tens of thousands in Iraq, killing Lord knows how many in our own country through policies of neglect and preference for the fortunate, and stealing from the poor and giving to the rich and calling it the culture of responsibility. That's 4 out of 10 and the the last two aren't mere oversights, they're his policy for governing the country.)

A lot of people on the right want to defend the sanctity of marriage by outlawing gay marriage. What if they worked to lower the divorce rate and stop domestic abuse, not whip up the hate of the masses to discriminate against homosexuals? I can't believe people actually defend this discrimination in the name of preserving marriage. What if we were talking about banning African-American marriage? Would any God-fearing American say or do something so discriminatory against African-Americans? Then why would they do it against homosexuals? They have no right, no moral standing, and they should practice Christ's love instead of the apostate's judgment and divisiveness.

A lot of people on the right want to stop abortion. What if they worked to reduce the need for abortions by making birth control available to those who need it, provide prenatal care for those who can't afford it? What if they worked to eliminate poverty that might lead someone to give up a baby because they can't support it, worked to promote adoption programs? Don't incite the masses and divide our country by shouting names at people and wasting a lot of time, energy, and money on trying to overturn a supreme court precedent. These efforts will only affect the U.S. anyway. What about abortions in other countries? I mean really, if abortion foes put all their resources into prevention rather than outlawing and shaming, how many abortions would have been avoided in the last three decades? How many?

A lot of people on the right want to make this a God-loving, God-fearing country. What if they read John 18:36 which is what Jesus said when Pilate put him on trial for his life: "My Kingdom is not of this world. If my Kingdom were of this world, then my servants would fight, that I wouldn't be delivered to the Jews. But now my Kingdom is not from here." If he didn't ask his servants to fight for his life, do you think Jesus would ask his servants to fight for prayer in public schools? So instead of handing out voter guides in worship services, ponder the beatitudes and share love, mercy, humility, peace, and justice with your fellow human beings.

Just my two cents. If any of this makes you want to ask your political leaders why they are focusing on the wrong priorities, why not ask them? Get in touch with them today and let them know how you feel.

Off the soap box for now . . .


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