An accountin'
This small composition book fits in my back pocket. I use to it to record everything I spend. This is an effort Lori and I are trying out to help us save money in the hopes of paying off some debts and starting a college fund for Molly. Yes, I'm a little ashamed that we haven't done that yet. Thus, the book.
Before this new method of accounting (which only just started last week), it was already well established that I am the spendthrift in the family. Want to go out to eat -- let's go! Should I buy the book or the CD? Buy both! Is that premium brand really better than the generic brand? Oh, probably!
Seriously, though, I really don't know how I spend all this money. And yet somehow the responsibility of keeping track of our finances has fallen to me. Yikes. I'll be interested to see what we find out.