An accountin'

This small composition book fits in my back pocket. I use to it to record everything I spend. This is an effort Lori and I are trying out to help us save money in the hopes of paying off some debts and starting a college fund for Molly. Yes, I'm a little ashamed that we haven't done that yet. Thus, the book.
Before this new method of accounting (which only just started last week), it was already well established that I am the spendthrift in the family. Want to go out to eat -- let's go! Should I buy the book or the CD? Buy both! Is that premium brand really better than the generic brand? Oh, probably!
Seriously, though, I really don't know how I spend all this money. And yet somehow the responsibility of keeping track of our finances has fallen to me. Yikes. I'll be interested to see what we find out.
Yes, but who is the ogre who instituted the hateful notebooks?
Thanks, honey. I thank you now, Molly will thank you in the future.
We had little green index cards. Whatever happened to those...? I am not sure what I ever wrote down on them, though, since the only things I seem to know how to buy are gas and beer. I can really buy beer like a champ. But take, for instance, a recent outing of mine: went to Staples to buy some pencils, went to Barnes and Noble to buy a Moleskine, and to both K-Mart and Target to buy long underwear. I was unsuccessful on all counts. How does someone fail to buy pencils at Staples?
And yet, the money goes. Where?
I can relate. Apparently all I buy is beer, diet coke, and lunch once a week. We go out to eat too much but Lori has to pay for that because I've usually spent all my money by the time we get around to that.
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